- 01.田姐辣妹 / 全集
- 02.田教授家的28个保姆 / 全集
- 03.天机十二宫第二季 / 全集
- 04.天机算 / 全集
- 05.天机十二宫第一季 / 全集
- 06.天坑鹰猎 / 全集
- 07.天乩之白蛇传说 / 全集
- 08.天空市凶案第一季 / 全集
- 09.天空市凶案第三季 / 第13集
- 10.天空市凶案第二季 / 全集
- 11.天空之城2018 / 全集
- 12.天空之城2004 / 全集
- 13.天蓝地黄 / 全集
- 14.天泪传奇之凤凰无双 / 全集
- 15.甜了青梅配竹马 / 全集
- 16.天亮请睁眼 / 全集
- 17.天雷一部之春花秋月 / 全集
- 18.天龙八部2003 / 全集
- 19.天龙八部1982国语 / 全集
- 20.天龙八部2013 / 全集
金龙(胡兵饰演)广告公司企划,由于父亲是奥运选手却未能夺牌而成终生憾事,自小耳濡目染的他矢志在自己的长项〝马拉松〞夺取2008的北京奥运金牌。 杜小凤(安以轩饰演)努力往上爬的小说作家,感情丰富喜欢幻想,随时能把眼前的人事物幻化成想像中的情境,梦想是追求到〝全世界最美丽的爱情〞,并且化为文字分享给所有的读者。 莫文虎(黄维德饰演)随时修饰自己的扮相以符合上流标准,妙嘴生花极具唬人的口才,事业之路跌跌撞撞的他矢志赶紧发达拯救母亲脱离苦海,梦想是赚大钱成为人上人。 乐敏(傅淼饰演)在孤儿院长大,波折的青少年生活让她养成了孤傲而独立的个性,常在撞球间厮混而练就了一身出神入化的球技,底心深处的梦想是追寻一个温暖的家庭,能够尝到未曾有过的天伦之乐。 这四名年轻人从相遇到相知,在人生过程中历经许多财富的诱惑、人性的考验、阴谋的煎熬,或许过程中有着迷惑与失败,却始终能够携手努力冲破难关,也憬悟到心中的真善美才是圆梦的最大力量。
Jin Long (played by Hu Bing) is planning for an advertising company. His father was an Olympic athlete but failed to win a medal, which was a lifelong regret. He has been influenced by this since childhood and is determined to win the 2008 Beijing Olympic gold medal in his specialty "marathon". Du Xiaofeng (played by An Yixuan) is a novel writer who strives to climb up. He is rich in emotions and loves fantasy. He can turn the people and things in front of him into imaginary situations at any time. His dream is to pursue "the most beautiful love in the world" and share it in words. To all readers. Mok Wenhu (played by Huang Weide) always modifies his appearance to meet the standards of the upper class. He has a sharp tongue and is extremely bluffing in his eloquence. With a stumbling career path, he is determined to get rich as soon as possible and save his mother from suffering. His dream is to make a lot of money and become a master. Le Min (played by Fu Miao) grew up in an orphanage. The twists and turns of her teenage life allowed her to develop an aloof and independent personality. She often hung out in the billiard room and developed superb skills. The dream deep in her heart is to pursue A warm family can enjoy family happiness that has never been experienced before. From meeting each other to getting to know each other, these four young people have experienced many temptations of wealth, tests of human nature, and torture of conspiracies in their lives. There may have been confusions and failures in the process, but they have always been able to work together to overcome difficulties and realize the truth, goodness and beauty in their hearts. It is the greatest power to realize your dreams.
- 2019-04-241楼 云之心 来自45.148.96.*:童年,因为这个剧对张震岳那首《爱情初体验》记忆至今……
- 2019-12-232楼 咔咔 来自152.175.232.*:有点搞笑! 有点雷人! 有点狗血!
- 2020-03-053楼 清歌流觞 来自23.133.53.*:在新加坡拍的都很搞笑,后面就过于婆婆妈妈了……强森真是吃饱了撑得啊……
- 2020-03-114楼 崇遇 来自2.25.174.*:冲着黄维德看的,没事的时候可以看看
- 2021-03-175楼 炊事班帅胡 来自241.223.34.*:小时候好爱看这种类型的喜剧,突然发现粉红女郎,双响炮和这部都是伍宗德导的,男主都是胡兵,不过感觉这部看过的人不是很多。前部分很搞笑,后面剧情拖沓,不过还是每几年都会重温一次。男主梦想还是参加2008奥运会,暴露年代。胡兵真的很适合演这种阳光幽默运动型男主,太帅了。
- 2021-05-166楼 蒹葭 来自43.59.35.*:我怎么记得小时候看的时候是叫爱情男女
- 2021-07-167楼 未命名 来自208.15.143.*:当年看过呀!印象中很好看!轻松有趣的电视剧
- 2022-02-038楼 YAWN 来自177.238.48.*:小时候在东南卫视看的,哈哈哈哈哈好喜欢,那时候还叫《爱情男女》
- 2022-09-189楼 一只叫柠檬的狗 来自91.238.192.*:小时候看的,记得最喜欢黄维德那个角色
- 2023-04-2410楼 冰月 来自203.53.184.*:那时候看感觉还挺时髦这几个人☺️
- 2024-02-0211楼 z803 来自87.72.173.*:前面还不错,很有台湾都市轻松喜剧的味道,有些像粉红女郎和双响炮,然后才发现是一个制作团队
- 2024-06-0112楼 伯爵的猫 来自138.47.227.*:前面还挺有趣的 后面有点拖拉了 脑子里每次想到这个剧都是爱情初体验这个歌