- 01.幻想嘉年华 / 全集
- 02.假面骑士OOO / 全集
- 03.小龙阿布 / 全集
- 04.世界第一初恋2 / 第12集
- 05.绯弹的亚里亚 / 第13集
- 06.C3_魔方少女 / 第13集
- 07.高智能方程式赛车OVA / 第5集
- 08.魔术士奥芬 / 全集
- 09.归来的侍战队特别篇 / 全集
- 10.阿拉丁和大盗之王 / 全集
- 11.龙珠新巴达克之章 / 全集
- 12.龙与虎 / 全集
- 13.UN-GO因果日记 / 第11集
- 14.绝对可怜小孩~爱多憎 / 全集
- 15.回转企鹅罐 / 第24集
- 16.星球绿巨人 / 全集
- 17.变态生理研讨会 / 第13集
- 18.笨蛋测验召唤兽 / 第12集
- 19.满福少女 / 第8集
- 20.腹黑妹妹控兄记 / 第13集
动画《奇妙小镇》是中澳双方继1997年《神奇山谷》后再次共同研发的一部形态完全创新的儿童剧。本剧共52集,每集12分钟,目标观众2—5岁儿童。52集全部都将在中国拍摄。前期准备和后期制作将在澳大利亚完成。全剧没有台词,所以不存在任何语言障碍,它的幽默和动作必然吸引全球适龄儿童观众。这个离奇、神秘的小镇,期待着你来做客。奇妙小镇是一个色彩缤纷、充满活力的地方。这里的建筑形状奇特、大小不一、色彩各异;而住在这里的6个神奇人物,他们不但会翻滚,会跳跃,还会杂耍。他们跌跌撞撞地惹出一次次的麻烦,而每当遇到麻烦时,又总能互相帮助,共度难关,因为他们知道,合作才是解决问题的好办法。《奇妙小镇》共52集,每集12分钟,目标观众2―5岁儿童。52集全部都将在中国拍摄。前期准备和后期制作将在澳大利亚完成。剧中的小镇是个色彩缤纷,充满活力而又好玩儿的地方。镇子里有一个由形状奇特、大小不一、色彩各异的建筑所围绕的中心广场。镇子上大部分的活动都发 生在两个主要区域:镇子的广场和咪咪的咖啡店。镇子里的建筑都带有马戏团的因素,这使小镇看起来象一个超现实的游乐场,其中包括:建筑侧面供攀登用的脚 窝;不寻常的梯子、滑梯、绳子、滑杆和其他供人们爬上爬下进出家门的工具;五颜六色的带软垫的鹅卵石和带弹性的垫子供人们在广场上翻滚和着地使用;独特的 街边景物,比如路灯是一个带弹性的弯弯的杆子......
The animation "Wonderful Town" is a completely innovative children's drama jointly developed by China and Australia after "Magic Valley" in 1997. This drama has a total of 52 episodes, each episode is 12 minutes long, and the target audience is children aged 2-5. All 52 episodes will be filmed in China. Pre-production and post-production will be completed in Australia. There are no lines in the play, so there is no language barrier. Its humor and action are bound to attract audiences of school-age children around the world. This bizarre and mysterious town is looking forward to your visit. Wonder Town is a colorful and vibrant place. The buildings here have strange shapes, sizes, and colors; and the 6 magical characters living here can not only roll, jump, and juggle. They stumbled into trouble again and again, and whenever they encountered trouble, they could always help each other and get through the difficulties, because they knew that cooperation was the best way to solve the problem. "Wonderful Town" has a total of 52 episodes, each episode is 12 minutes, and the target audience is children aged 2-5. All 52 episodes will be filmed in China. Pre-production and post-production will be completed in Australia. The town in the play is a colorful, vibrant and fun place. The town has a central square surrounded by buildings of strange shapes, sizes, and colors. Most of the town's action takes place in two main areas: the town square and Mimi's coffee shop. The buildings in the town have a circus element, making the town look like a surreal playground, including: footwells on the sides of the buildings for climbing; unusual ladders, slides, ropes, slides and Other tools for people to climb up and down to get in and out of their homes; colorful cushioned pebbles and elastic mats for people to roll and land on in the square; unique street features, such as street lights with an elastic curve Pole...
- 2014-07-041楼 滚吧! 来自210.25.172.160:分了兩次看.實在看不下去..太無聊了..冗長的電影...
- 2014-07-042楼 啵啵 来自123.232.194.220:片子里的调度很好诗意一般但不明白男主角要被杀还是在一直的温柔进度下突然而来死亡.
- 2014-07-043楼 人间魅影 来自210.35.152.183:闷片啊闷死了 一大早就看了这么个闷片.还好配乐还是不错的
- 2014-07-044楼 尼诺尼米 来自123.232.113.237:第一次看这么纯的泰国片
- 2014-07-045楼 melania 来自139.211.189.212:为什么要把男主角整死扔进大海里去呢?
- 2014-07-046楼 . 来自139.204.225.110:没看懂,当看风光片吧……景和音乐还挺美的
- 2014-07-047楼 起名好困难 来自182.85.211.203:电影原声是值得推荐的
- 2014-07-048楼 三十二方 来自106.88.184.170:不明白为什么要杀掉他...爱情 爱情
- 2014-07-049楼 乱乱唱 来自222.16.149.28:纳尼!又是旅游宣传片吗?
- 2014-07-0410楼 笨鸟先飞 来自222.43.50.213:真的是好闷。这么隐晦的画面到底是说了什么呢?恋姐or人皮客栈?
- 2014-07-0411楼 红袖添香 来自182.90.131.95:without resonance it's a slow killing pill.
- 2014-07-0412楼 温笛 来自182.91.101.65:原来阿彼察邦不是一个人在战斗啊...
- 2014-07-0413楼 adobe一粒麦子 来自123.235.74.255:泰国国家电影节最佳影片
- 2014-07-0414楼 兔兔爱吃蜜瓜 来自222.42.209.96:真美~不急不躁。镜头一直在缓慢的摇。每一个细节的设置我都喜欢。